Cyberpunk 2077:

Phantom Liberty - The Bug Fixes and Improvements That Will Make the Game Better

Cyberpunk 2077, the critically acclaimed open-world RPG from CD Projekt Red, was released in 2020 to widespread acclaim.

However, the game was also plagued by a number of bugs and glitches, which led to some players having a negative experience.

In response to the criticism, CD Projekt Red has been working hard to fix the bugs in Cyberpunk 2077.

The company has released a number of patches, which have addressed many of the most prominent issues.

The upcoming expansion for Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty, is set to introduce a number of new features and improvements.

One of the most notable improvements is the bug fixes.

Phantom Liberty will address a number of the remaining bugs in the game, making for a more stable and enjoyable experience.

Quality of Life Improvements

Phantom Liberty will also make a number of quality of life improvements to the game.

These include:

  • A better save system

  • A better fast travel system

  • A better way to track quests

  • A better way to manage inventory

The better save system will make it easier for players to save their progress. The better fast travel system will make it easier for players to get around the game world. The better way to track quests will make it easier for players to keep track of what they need to do. The better way to manage inventory will make it easier for players to keep track of their items.

The bug fixes, new content, and quality of life improvements in Phantom Liberty will make the game more stable, enjoyable, and user-friendly. If you're a fan of Cyberpunk 2077, then you're sure to be excited for Phantom Liberty.

New Content

In addition to the bug fixes, Phantom Liberty will also introduce a number of new content to the game. This includes:

  • New quests

  • New weapons

  • New vehicles

  • New areas to explore

The new quests will take players to new locations and introduce them to new characters. The new weapons and vehicles will give players more options for combat and transportation. The new areas to explore will give players more to do and see in the game world.

Crash Fixes

One of the most common complaints about Cyberpunk 2077 is that it is prone to crashing. Phantom Liberty will fix a number of the crashes that have been reported by players. This will make the game more stable and less likely to crash.

Quest Fixes

A number of the quests in Cyberpunk 2077 are also buggy. This can make it difficult to complete the quests, and it can be frustrating for players. Phantom Liberty will fix a number of the quests that have been reported as being buggy. This will make the quests more playable and less frustrating.

Cyberpunk 2077

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New Features

Phantom Liberty will also introduce a number of new features to the game. These include:

  • A new skill tree system

  • A new vehicle combat system

  • A new inventory system

  • A more user-friendly UI

The new skill tree system will give players more control over their character's abilities. The new vehicle combat system will make combat in vehicles more exciting and challenging. The new inventory system will make it easier for players to manage their inventory. The more user-friendly UI will make it easier for players to interact with the game world.

Bug Fixes

How the bug fixes will make the game better:

The bug fixes in Phantom Liberty will make the game more stable and enjoyable. This will be achieved by fixing a number of the crashes, AI issues, quest bugs, and performance problems that have been reported by players.

For example, the crash fixes will make the game less likely to crash, which will save players time and frustration. The AI fixes will make the enemies more challenging, which will make the game more rewarding to play. The quest fixes will make the quests more playable, which will make the game more enjoyable. The performance improvements will make the game run smoother, which will make the game more responsive.

Performance Improvements

Cyberpunk 2077 can be a bit of a performance hog. The game can run poorly on some systems, and it can be frustrating for players who are trying to play the game on their high-end PCs. Phantom Liberty will improve the performance of the game, making it run smoother and more responsive.

AI Fixes

The AI in Cyberpunk 2077 is also not very good. The enemies are often easy to defeat, and they don't seem to be very intelligent. Phantom Liberty will improve the AI in the game, making the enemies more challenging and the world more immersive.

Here are some of the new characters that will be included in Phantom Liberty


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Songbird is a mysterious singer with a dark past.

She is a powerful vocalist, and her songs are said to have the ability to control people's minds.

Songbird is a key figure in the Phantoms' plan to launch a major cyberattack on Night City.

Solomon Reed

Solomon Reed is a former NUSA official who has gone rogue.

He is a skilled hacker, and he is determined to stop the Phantoms from carrying out their plan. Reed is a valuable ally to V, and he will help V to infiltrate the Phantoms' organization.

Alena "Alex" Xenakis

Alena "Alex" Xenakis: Alena Xenakis is a former actress who is now working as a spy for the FIA.

She is a skilled actress, and she is able to blend in with any crowd. Xenakis is a valuable asset to the FIA, and she will help V to track down the Phantoms.

Kurt Hansen

Kurt Hansen is the leader of the Phantoms.

He is a ruthless and ambitious man, and he is determined to bring down Night City. Hansen is a formidable opponent, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

New areas to explore, including the dangerous

sub-district of Dogtown

This update will add new areas to explore in Night City, including the dangerous sub-district of Dogtown.

This is a great way to give players more content to play with, and it will also allow them to experience new parts of the city


Dogtown is a dangerous sub-district of Night City that is controlled by the Voodoo Boys.

The area is a hive of crime and violence, and it is not a place for the faint of heart

Black Market

The Black Market is a secret underground market where anything can be bought or sold.

The market is run by a mysterious group of individuals, and it is a dangerous place to do business.

The Well

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The Well is a hidden oasis in the middle of Night City.

The area is a haven for those who are looking to escape the harsh realities of the city.

The Well is run by a group of pacifists, and it is a place where violence is strictly prohibited.

The Arasaka Waterfront

The Arasaka Waterfront is a heavily guarded area that is controlled by the Arasaka Corporation.

The area is home to a number of Arasaka's most important facilities, and it is a major target for the Phantoms.

New skill tree system that gives players more control over their character's abilities

This update will add a new skill tree system to Cyberpunk 2077, giving players more control over their character's abilities. This is a great way to give players more freedom to customize their characters, and it will also make the game more challenging

New vehicle combat system

This update will add a new vehicle combat system to Cyberpunk 2077, making it more exciting and challenging to fight enemies in vehicles. This is a great way to add more variety to the game's combat, and it will also make the game more immersive

Here are some of the new weapons that will be included in Phantom Liberty

The Songbird is a powerful energy weapon that fires sonic blasts. The weapon is named after the mysterious singer who is a key figure in the Phantoms' plan to launch a major cyberattack on Night City

The Mantis Blades are a pair of cybernetic blades that are attached to V's arms. The blades are incredibly sharp, and they can be used to slice through enemies with ease

The Widowmaker is a powerful sniper rifle that is capable of firing armor-piercing rounds.

The rifle is named after the Voodoo Boys' leader, Brigitte L'Heureux, who is also known as the Widowmaker.

The Smartgun Mk. V is a highly advanced weapon that is equipped with a targeting system. The targeting system allows the weapon to automatically track and lock onto enemies, making it a powerful weapon for both close-quarters and long-range combat.

The Tech Shotgun is a powerful shotgun that fires energy blasts. The weapon is effective against both armored and unarmored enemies, and it is a great choice for close-quarters combat.

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New police system that makes the police more challenging to evade

This update will add a new police system to Cyberpunk 2077, making it more challenging to evade the police. This is a great way to make the game more realistic and challenging, and it will also add more tension to the game's encounters with the police